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Mastermind Groups

Many people were introduced to the mastermind group concept by reading one of the all-time self-improvement books by the great Napoleon Hill titled “Think and Grow Rich.” Napoleon Hill is not the originator of the mastermind group concept, but he made it popular with his writings in 1937.


So, what is a mastermind group exactly? A mastermind group is the harmonious alliance of two or more minds working towards a definite purpose. Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, and support in a group setting to sharpen business and personal skills. A mastermind group helps its members achieve success. One of the things I like most about mastermind groups is that their participants challenge each other to set meaningful goals and, more importantly, to accomplish their goals. The group requires commitment, confidentiality, and willingness to be creative and brainstorm ideas/ solutions, and support each other with total honesty, respect, and compassion. Mastermind group members act as catalysts for growth, devil’s advocates, and supportive colleagues.


In 2008 during the recession, I started my first mastermind group called “Synergy.” Many of Synergy’s mastermind group members accomplished great things with their businesses and personal lives, and some did complete career changes because of the information they received from the group. I’ve been a witness to what Napoleon Hill says, “No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force, which may become a third mind (the mastermind).”

I’ve been a successful business owner for over 25 years. During this time, I have bought and sold RE/MAX franchises. I love helping people achieve their goals in life, whether personal or professional. I believe that people should surround themselves with and mastermind with those serious about increasing their incomes each year or improving their self-development.

You would be amazed by the incredible number of easily implemented ideas that you would consistently receive from mastermind group members that you might never have learned on your own. I also believe that your income is directly related to who you choose to surround yourself with regularly consistently. Just one idea you receive from the mastermind group could add an extra $10,000-$100,000 to your income. I’ve had people tell me they would have never thought of a particular idea if it weren’t for those in their mastermind group who suggested it.


If you want to raise your income, you need to receive higher-income ideas!


If you are interested in making sure this year is better than your last, you could use a support group committed to your success. Contact me for more information and availability.

Mastermind Group Setting
Mastermind Group Setting
© 2023 Necessary Results Coaching & Mastermind Groups, LLC
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